Friday, June 26, 2009

I've Got a Nautical Themed Pashmini Afghan!

Tomorrow, HIF is taking a trip to Onuma "quasi-national" Park. Tentative weekend activities will include general park activities, jungle gym shenanigans, various sports activities, karaoke, bowling, swimming, an onsen, and sake drinking (legal drinking age in Japan: 20!). Too bad I don't actually like sake...not that I've ever tried it. I was at a Seven-Eleven buying snacks, and I did actually purchase some sort of alcoholic beverage (8% "Arukooru") of a grapefruit variety because I'm a sucker for grapefruit juice and couldn't resist the shiny advertising.

Strong Zero: Double Grapefruit (or, "Sutorongu Zero: Daburu Gureepufurutsu")

Anyway, I have every intention of riding one of those rent-a-boat's that they promised us and singing "I'm on a Boat" at the top of my lungs tomorrow. And now, bed, because I'm tired and judo kind of kicked my butt today. Literally.

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